holistic healing approach

Usui Reiki & Chakra Energetic Healing

Reiki is an Energy healing modality that promotes relaxation and relieves stress. Reiki is a transformative therapy that helps heal mind, body, and soul – and help bring them into harmony. Ultimately, it promotes deep relaxation, stress & pain relief, deepened connection to personal guidance, energy & vitality renewal and support of the body’s natural healing capacity.

Your Chakras & Meridian points need to be balanced so that you experience an even flow of Chi throughout your body. The goal is for me is open blockages & clear stuck energy leaving you feeling more balanced & relaxed. You will experience your environment with more openness and joy.


More about Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese word for "universal life force energy". It dates back 2,500 years to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and was rediscovered by Dr. Usui, a Japanese scholar in the late 19th century.

Reiki is an holistic system of healing and works on the four main levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy to the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and help restore physical and emotional wellbeing.

A treatment will feel like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. It is a simple, natural and safe method of healing and can be used to complement all other medical or therapeutic techniques. When you receive Reiki healing, you lay fully-clothed on a treatment table while the Reiki practitioner places their hands lightly on different parts of your body.  It is not a belief system or linked to any religion or culture. It works as a pure energy similar to feelings, intent and thought. Reiki is not conditional upon your belief in the practice.

It is not “faith healing” and you will see the benefits regardless of your belief. The healing power of Reiki and the benefits are not negated by the conscious mind.

Reiki & Western Medicine

While Reiki is incredibly healing, it does not replace western medicine. However, if used consistently, it may eliminate the need for future medical care and has been successful when used in conjunction to western medicine. It is recognized in many hospitals, surgical rooms, and gaining respect and recognition in the medical field.

Reiki For Long Distance

Reiki is just as effective long distance.  During our set appointment time, I will have a brief conversation and you will lay down or sit comfortably while I  connect to your energy and begin the session. After the session, we will speak again to discuss the session. FaceTime or Skype is an option during the duration of the session.


What Is A Session Like?

Intuitive Reiki

Reiki helps remove energetic blocks within the mind, body and spirit promoting wellness, harmony and stress reduction. Clearing and aligning one's channels to feel emotionally and physically more at ease is the goal for these sessions. I evaluate clients upon arrival both verbally and with a scan of their aura for emotional and or physical issues. I then tailor each client's session to their individual needs. Each session allows time for processing after the Reiki energy is complete. Many clients feel "lighter" and notice an immediate shift in their emotional state and leave feeling more positive and balanced. 

Post Sessions You are Encouraged to:

  • Practice Self Care 

  • Hydrate

  • Go for a brisk walk outside in nature, meditate, take a nap

  • Eat if you are hungry- listen to your body.

  • Reflect, pay attention to how you are feeling and what is coming up

  • Enjoy your restored energetic mind, body and soul


  • Reiki does not interfere with medical treatments or medications. 

  • Reiki has no negative side effects. 

  • Reiki is not a substitute for other medical care.

Common Experiences

Everyone experiences Reiki differently. The most common sensations people report during a Reiki treatment are warmth, deep relaxation and peacefulness. Some may feel a mild pulsation. Others may feel nothing at all.  Because Reiki practice is balancing at every level, it can help anyone who receives a treatment.  If you are tired, you’ll feel refreshed. If you are anxious, you’ll feel serene. If you are distressed, you’ll feel comforted etc. These subjective changes combine with the physical changes often associated with deep relaxation, such as a slower heart rate and easier breathing.

  • Promotes Health And Wellbeing

  • Improves Sleep

  • Encourages Mental Clarity

  • Releases Stress & Tension 

  • Heightens Self - Awareness & Intuition

  • Reduces Anxiety 

  • Aids Relaxation

  • Helps With Pain Management

  • Soothes Digestion

  • Strengthens Self-Esteem

  • Relieves Depression

  • Offers Support For Substance Abuse Recovery

holistic healing approach

Book a Reiki or Chakra Session

holistic healing approach